A - Z
One Square - Ar Rabi, 7773, 13315 Riyadh SA
One Square - Ar Rabi, 7773, Riyadh, SA
+966920011682 https://www.kunooz.com/s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/ms.substores/5e71d557b3229477aca4a8fb/5e74ab41c3d17afad04e1ce7-480x480.png" [email protected]
651e584052b57951a671bc08 Basaglar 100 Units/Ml Pfp 5 Pens Of 3 Ml (Refrigerator) https://www.kunooz.com/s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/651e582f52b57951a671ba81/36905.jpg

Product Description:

  • BASAGLAR contains insulin glargine. This is a modified insulin, very similar to human insulin.
  • BASAGLAR is used to treat diabetes mellitus in adults, adolescents and children aged 2 years and 
  • Diabetes mellitus is a disease where your body does not produce enough insulin to control the level of 
  • blood sugar. Insulin glargine has a long and steady blood sugar lowering action.

How to use:

  • A new needle must be attached before each use. Only use needles that are compatible for use with
  • BASAGLAR KwikPen.
  • A safety test must be performed before each injection.
  • Look at the cartridge before you use the pen. Do not use BASAGLAR KwikPen if you notice particles 
  • in it. Only use BASAGLAR KwikPen if the solution is clear, colorless and waterlike. Do not shake 
  • or mix it before use.
  • To prevent the possible transmission of disease, each pen must be used by one patient only.
  • Make sure that neither alcohol nor other disinfectants or other substances contaminate the insulin.
  • BASAGLAR is injected under the skin. Do NOT inject BASAGLAR in a vein, since this will change 
  • its action and may cause hypoglycemia.
  • Your doctor will show you in which area of the skin you should inject BASAGLAR. With each 
  • injection, change the puncture site within the particular area of skin that you are using.
  • Basaglar is administered subcutaneously by injection in the abdominal wall, the thigh, the upper 
  • arm, the deltoid region or the gluteal region. Injection sites should always be rotated within the 
  • same region in order to reduce the risk of lipodystrophy and cutaneous amyloidosis.
  • Always use a new pen if you notice that your blood sugar control is unexpectedly getting worse. If you 
  • think you may have a problem with BASAGLAR KwikPen, consult your doctor, pharmacist or nurse.
  • Empty pens must not be refilled and must be properly discarded.
  • Do not use BASAGLAR KwikPen if it is damaged or not working properly, it has to be discarded and 
  • a new KwikPen has to be used.


Caution & Warnings:

  • Talk to your doctor, pharmacist or nurse before using BASAGLAR.
  • Follow closely the instructions for posology, monitoring (blood and urine tests), diet and physical 
  • activity (physical work and exercise) as discussed with your doctor.

Skin changes at the injection site.

  • The injection site should be rotated to prevent skin changes such as lumps under the skin. The insulin 
  • may not work well if you inject into a lumpy area (See How to use Basaglar). Contact your doctor if you are currently injecting into a lumpy area before you start injecting into a different area. Your 
  • doctor may tell you to check your blood sugar more closely, and to adjust your insulin or your other 
  • antidiabetic medications dose.


  • Before travelling consult your doctor. You may need to talk about:
  • the availability of your insulin in the country you are visiting,
  • supplies of insulin etc.
  • correct storage of your insulin while travelling,
  • timing of meals and insulin administration while travelling,
  • the possible effects of changing to different time zones,
  • possible new health risks in the countries to be visited,
  • what you should do in emergency situations when you feel unwell or become ill.

Illnesses and injuries

  • In the following situations, the management of your diabetes may require a lot of care (for example, 
  • adjustment to insulin dose, blood and urine tests):
  • If you are ill or have a major injury then your blood sugar level may increase (hyperglycemia).
  • If you are not eating enough your blood sugar level may become too low (hypoglycemia).
  • In most cases you will need a doctor. Make sure that you contact a doctor early.
  • If you have type 1 diabetes (insulin dependent diabetes mellitus), do not stop your insulin and continue 
  • to get enough carbohydrates. Always tell people who are caring for you or treating you that you 
  • require insulin.
  • Insulin treatment can cause the body to produce antibodies to insulin (substances that act against 
  • insulin). However, only very rarely, this will require a change to your insulin dose.
  • Some patients with longstanding type 2 diabetes mellitus and heart disease or previous stroke who 
  • were treated with pioglitazone and insulin experienced the development of heart failure. Inform your 
  • doctor as soon as possible if you experience signs of heart failure such as unusual shortness of breath 
  • or rapid increase in weight or localized swelling (oedema).



  • The active substance is insulin glargine. Each milliliter of the solution contains 100 units of the 
  • active substance insulin glargine (equivalent to 3.64 mg).
  • The other ingredients are: zinc oxide, metacresol, glycerol, sodium hydroxide (see section 2
out of stock SAR 191.75
{"_id":"651e584052b57951a671bc08","_metadata":{"i18n":{"AR":{"SEO":{},"metafields":{"benefits":"","ingredients":"","how_to_use":"","what_is":"","therapeutic_uses":"","dosage_and_administration":"","contraindication_and_drug_interaction":"","warning_and_precautions":"","side_effects":"","more_information":""},"description":"<p><strong>وصف المنتج</strong><strong>:</strong></p>\n<ul>\n<li>يحتوي بسجلار على أنسولين جلارجين. هذا أنسولين معدل، مشابه جدًا للأنسولين البشري.</li>\n<li>يستخدم باساجلار لعلاج داء السكري عند البالغين والمراهقين والأطفال بعمر سنتين وما فوق</li>\n<li>مرض السكري هو مرض لا ينتج فيه جسمك كمية كافية من الأنسولين للتحكم في مستواه</li>\n<li>سكر الدم. الأنسولين glargine له تأثير طويل وثابت في خفض نسبة السكر في الدم.</li>\n</ul>\n<p><strong>إرشادات الاستخدام:</strong></p>\n<ul>\n<li>يجب إرفاق إبرة جديدة قبل كل استخدام. استخدم فقط الإبر المتوافقة مع الاستخدام.</li>\n<li>باساجلار كويك</li>\n<li>يجب إجراء اختبار أمان قبل كل عملية حقن.</li>\n<li>انظر إلى الخرطوشة قبل استخدام القلم. لا تستخدم BASAGLAR KwikPen إذا لاحظت وجود جزيئات</li>\n<li>فيه. استخدم فقط BASAGLAR KwikPen إذا كان المحلول صافياً وعديم اللون وشبيه بالماء. لا تهزه</li>\n<li>أو امزجها قبل الاستخدام.</li>\n<li>لمنع احتمال انتقال المرض، يجب استخدام كل قلم من قبل مريض واحد فقط.</li>\n<li>تأكد من عدم تلوث الأنسولين بالكحول أو المطهرات أو المواد الأخرى.</li>\n<li>يتم حقن الباسجلار تحت الجلد. لا تحقن بسجلار في الوريد لأن هذا سيتغير</li>\n<li>تأثيره وقد يسبب نقص السكر في الدم.</li>\n<li>سيوضح لك طبيبك في أي منطقة من الجلد يجب أن تحقن بسجلار. مع كل</li>\n<li>الحقن ، قم بتغيير موقع البزل داخل منطقة معينة من الجلد التي تستخدمها.</li>\n<li>يُعطى الباساجلار تحت الجلد عن طريق الحقن في جدار البطن، الفخذ، الجزء العلوي</li>\n<li>الذراع أو المنطقة الدالية أو منطقة الألوية. يجب دائمًا تدوير مواقع الحقن داخل</li>\n<li>نفس المنطقة من أجل تقليل مخاطر الحثل الشحمي والداء النشواني الجلدي.</li>\n<li>استخدم دائمًا قلمًا جديدًا إذا لاحظت أن التحكم في نسبة السكر في الدم يزداد سوءًا بشكل غير متوقع. إذا أنت</li>\n<li>تعتقد أنك قد تواجه مشكلة مع BASAGLAR KwikPen ، استشر طبيبك أو الصيدلي أو الممرضة.</li>\n<li>يجب عدم إعادة تعبئة الأقلام الفارغة ويجب التخلص منها بشكل صحيح.</li>\n<li>لا تستخدم BASAGLAR KwikPen إذا كان تالفًا أو لا يعمل بشكل صحيح، يجب التخلص منه</li>\n<li>يجب استخدام KwikPen جديد.</li>\n</ul>\n<p><strong>التحذيرات والاحتياطات:</strong></p>\n<ul>\n<li>تحدث إلى طبيبك أو الصيدلي أو الممرضة قبل استخدام بسجلار.</li>\n<li>اتبع عن كثب تعليمات قياس الوزن والمراقبة (اختبارات الدم والبول) والنظام الغذائي والبدني</li>\n<li>النشاط (العمل البدني والتمارين الرياضية) كما تمت مناقشته مع طبيبك.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>تغيرات الجلد في موقع الحقن:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>يجب تدوير موقع الحقن لمنع تغيرات الجلد مثل الكتل تحت الجلد. الأنسولين</li>\n<li>قد لا تعمل بشكل جيد إذا قمت بحقنها في منطقة متكتلة (انظر كيفية استخدام Basaglar). اتصل بطبيبك إذا كنت تحقن حاليًا في منطقة متكتلة قبل أن تبدأ في الحقن في منطقة مختلفة. لك</li>\n<li>قد يخبرك الطبيب بفحص نسبة السكر في الدم عن كثب وتعديل الأنسولين أو غيره</li>\n<li>جرعة الأدوية المضادة لمرض السكر.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>السفر:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>قبل السفر استشر طبيبك. قد تحتاج إلى التحدث عن:</li>\n<li>مدى توفر الأنسولين في البلد الذي تزوره.</li>\n<li>إمدادات الأنسولين إلخ.</li>\n<li>التخزين الصحيح للأنسولين أثناء السفر.</li>\n<li>توقيت الوجبات وإعطاء الأنسولين أثناء السفر.</li>\n<li>الآثار المحتملة للتغيير إلى مناطق زمنية مختلفة.</li>\n<li>مخاطر صحية جديدة محتملة في البلدان التي ستتم زيارتها.</li>\n<li>ما الذي يجب عليك فعله في حالات الطوارئ عندما تشعر بتوعك أو تمرض.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>الأمراض والإصابات:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>في الحالات التالية، قد تتطلب إدارة مرض السكري الخاص بك الكثير من العناية (على سبيل المثال،</li>\n<li>تعديل جرعة الأنسولين واختبارات الدم والبول):</li>\n<li>إذا كنت مريضًا أو لديك إصابة خطيرة، فقد يرتفع مستوى السكر في الدم (ارتفاع السكر في الدم).</li>\n<li>إذا كنت لا تتناول ما يكفي من الطعام، فقد يصبح مستوى السكر في الدم منخفضًا جدًا (نقص السكر في الدم).</li>\n<li>في معظم الحالات، ستحتاج إلى طبيب. تأكد من الاتصال بالطبيب في وقت مبكر.</li>\n<li>إذا كنت مصابًا بداء السكري من النوع 1 (داء السكري المعتمد على الأنسولين)، فلا تتوقف عن تناول الأنسولين واستمر في ذلك</li>\n<li>للحصول على ما يكفي من الكربوهيدرات. أخبر دائمًا الأشخاص الذين يهتمون بك أو يعاملونك بذلك</li>\n<li>تتطلب الأنسولين.</li>\n<li>يمكن أن يتسبب العلاج بالأنسولين في إنتاج الجسم لأجسام مضادة للأنسولين (مواد تعمل ضدها</li>\n<li>الأنسولين). ومع ذلك، نادرًا ما يتطلب ذلك تغيير جرعة الأنسولين.</li>\n<li>بعض المرضى الذين يعانون من داء السكري من النوع 2 طويل الأمد وأمراض القلب أو السكتة الدماغية السابقة</li>\n<li>عولجوا مع بيوجليتازون والأنسولين يعانون من قصور القلب. أبلغ</li>\n<li>الطبيب في أقرب وقت ممكن إذا كنت تعاني من علامات قصور القلب مثل ضيق التنفس غير المعتاد</li>\n<li>أو زيادة سريعة في الوزن أو تورم موضعي (وذمة).</li>\n</ul>\n<p><strong>المكونات:</strong></p>\n<ul>\n<li>المادة الفعالة هي الأنسولين جلارجين. يحتوي كل مليلتر من المحلول على 100 وحدة من</li>\n<li>المادة الفعالة الأنسولين جلارجين (ما يعادل 3.64 ملغ).</li>\n<li>المكونات الأخرى هي: أكسيد الزنك، ميتاكريسول، الجلسرين، هيدروكسيد الصوديوم (انظر القسم 2)</li>\n</ul>","name":"باسجلار 100 وحدة/مل قلم للحقن 5 أقلام 3 مل 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Description:</strong></p>\n<ul>\n<li>BASAGLAR contains insulin glargine. This is a modified insulin, very similar to human insulin.</li>\n<li>BASAGLAR is used to treat diabetes mellitus in adults, adolescents and children aged 2 years and&nbsp;</li>\n<li>Diabetes mellitus is a disease where your body does not produce enough insulin to control the level of&nbsp;</li>\n<li>blood sugar. Insulin glargine has a long and steady blood sugar lowering action.</li>\n</ul>\n<p><strong>How to use:</strong></p>\n<ul>\n<li>A new needle must be attached before each use. Only use needles that are compatible for use with</li>\n<li>BASAGLAR KwikPen.</li>\n<li>A safety test must be performed before each injection.</li>\n<li>Look at the cartridge before you use the pen. Do not use BASAGLAR KwikPen if you notice particles&nbsp;</li>\n<li>in it. Only use BASAGLAR KwikPen if the solution is clear, colorless and waterlike. Do not shake&nbsp;</li>\n<li>or mix it before use.</li>\n<li>To prevent the possible transmission of disease, each pen must be used by one patient only.</li>\n<li>Make sure that neither alcohol nor other disinfectants or other substances contaminate the insulin.</li>\n<li>BASAGLAR is injected under the skin. Do NOT inject BASAGLAR in a vein, since this will change&nbsp;</li>\n<li>its action and may cause hypoglycemia.</li>\n<li>Your doctor will show you in which area of the skin you should inject BASAGLAR. With each&nbsp;</li>\n<li>injection, change the puncture site within the particular area of skin that you are using.</li>\n<li>Basaglar is administered subcutaneously by injection in the abdominal wall, the thigh, the upper&nbsp;</li>\n<li>arm, the deltoid region or the gluteal region. Injection sites should always be rotated within the&nbsp;</li>\n<li>same region in order to reduce the risk of lipodystrophy and cutaneous amyloidosis.</li>\n<li>Always use a new pen if you notice that your blood sugar control is unexpectedly getting worse. If you&nbsp;</li>\n<li>think you may have a problem with BASAGLAR KwikPen, consult your doctor, pharmacist or nurse.</li>\n<li>Empty pens must not be refilled and must be properly discarded.</li>\n<li>Do not use BASAGLAR KwikPen if it is damaged or not working properly, it has to be discarded and&nbsp;</li>\n<li>a new KwikPen has to be used.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<p><strong>Caution &amp; Warnings:</strong></p>\n<ul>\n<li>Talk to your doctor, pharmacist or nurse before using BASAGLAR.</li>\n<li>Follow closely the instructions for posology, monitoring (blood and urine tests), diet and physical&nbsp;</li>\n<li>activity (physical work and exercise) as discussed with your doctor.</li>\n</ul>\n<p><u>Skin changes at the injection site.</u></p>\n<ul>\n<li>The injection site should be rotated to prevent skin changes such as lumps under the skin. The insulin&nbsp;</li>\n<li>may not work well if you inject into a lumpy area (See How to use Basaglar). Contact your doctor if you are currently injecting into a lumpy area before you start injecting into a different area. Your&nbsp;</li>\n<li>doctor may tell you to check your blood sugar more closely, and to adjust your insulin or your other&nbsp;</li>\n<li>antidiabetic medications dose.</li>\n</ul>\n<p><u>Travel</u></p>\n<ul>\n<li>Before travelling consult your doctor. You may need to talk about:</li>\n<li>the availability of your insulin in the country you are visiting,</li>\n<li>supplies of insulin etc.</li>\n<li>correct storage of your insulin while travelling,</li>\n<li>timing of meals and insulin administration while travelling,</li>\n<li>the possible effects of changing to different time zones,</li>\n<li>possible new health risks in the countries to be visited,</li>\n<li>what you should do in emergency situations when you feel unwell or become ill.</li>\n</ul>\n<p><u>Illnesses and injuries</u></p>\n<ul>\n<li>In the following situations, the management of your diabetes may require a lot of care (for example,&nbsp;</li>\n<li>adjustment to insulin dose, blood and urine tests):</li>\n<li>If you are ill or have a major injury then your blood sugar level may increase (hyperglycemia).</li>\n<li>If you are not eating enough your blood sugar level may become too low (hypoglycemia).</li>\n<li>In most cases you will need a doctor. Make sure that you contact a doctor early.</li>\n<li>If you have type 1 diabetes (insulin dependent diabetes mellitus), do not stop your insulin and continue&nbsp;</li>\n<li>to get enough carbohydrates. Always tell people who are caring for you or treating you that you&nbsp;</li>\n<li>require insulin.</li>\n<li>Insulin treatment can cause the body to produce antibodies to insulin (substances that act against&nbsp;</li>\n<li>insulin). However, only very rarely, this will require a change to your insulin dose.</li>\n<li>Some patients with longstanding type 2 diabetes mellitus and heart disease or previous stroke who&nbsp;</li>\n<li>were treated with pioglitazone and insulin experienced the development of heart failure. Inform your&nbsp;</li>\n<li>doctor as soon as possible if you experience signs of heart failure such as unusual shortness of breath&nbsp;</li>\n<li>or rapid increase in weight or localized swelling (oedema).</li>\n</ul>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<p><strong>Ingredients:</strong></p>\n<ul>\n<li>The active substance is insulin glargine. Each milliliter of the solution contains 100 units of the&nbsp;</li>\n<li>active substance insulin glargine (equivalent to 3.64 mg).</li>\n<li>The other ingredients are: zinc oxide, metacresol, glycerol, sodium hydroxide (see section 2</li>\n</ul>","sku":"36905","name":"Basaglar 100 Units/Ml Pfp 5 Pens Of 3 Ml 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Prescription Required

Basaglar 100 Units/Ml Pfp 5 Pens Of 3 Ml (Refrigerator)

SAR 191.75
This Product is only deliverable in Riyadh, Dammam & Jeddah

Product Description:

  • BASAGLAR contains insulin glargine. This is a modified insulin, very similar to human insulin.
  • BASAGLAR is used to treat diabetes mellitus in adults, adolescents and children aged 2 years and 
  • Diabetes mellitus is a disease where your body does not produce enough insulin to control the level of 
  • blood sugar. Insulin glargine has a long and steady blood sugar lowering action.

How to use:

  • A new needle must be attached before each use. Only use needles that are compatible for use with
  • BASAGLAR KwikPen.
  • A safety test must be performed before each injection.
  • Look at the cartridge before you use the pen. Do not use BASAGLAR KwikPen if you notice particles 
  • in it. Only use BASAGLAR KwikPen if the solution is clear, colorless and waterlike. Do not shake 
  • or mix it before use.
  • To prevent the possible transmission of disease, each pen must be used by one patient only.
  • Make sure that neither alcohol nor other disinfectants or other substances contaminate the insulin.
  • BASAGLAR is injected under the skin. Do NOT inject BASAGLAR in a vein, since this will change 
  • its action and may cause hypoglycemia.
  • Your doctor will show you in which area of the skin you should inject BASAGLAR. With each 
  • injection, change the puncture site within the particular area of skin that you are using.
  • Basaglar is administered subcutaneously by injection in the abdominal wall, the thigh, the upper 
  • arm, the deltoid region or the gluteal region. Injection sites should always be rotated within the 
  • same region in order to reduce the risk of lipodystrophy and cutaneous amyloidosis.
  • Always use a new pen if you notice that your blood sugar control is unexpectedly getting worse. If you 
  • think you may have a problem with BASAGLAR KwikPen, consult your doctor, pharmacist or nurse.
  • Empty pens must not be refilled and must be properly discarded.
  • Do not use BASAGLAR KwikPen if it is damaged or not working properly, it has to be discarded and 
  • a new KwikPen has to be used.


Caution & Warnings:

  • Talk to your doctor, pharmacist or nurse before using BASAGLAR.
  • Follow closely the instructions for posology, monitoring (blood and urine tests), diet and physical 
  • activity (physical work and exercise) as discussed with your doctor.

Skin changes at the injection site.

  • The injection site should be rotated to prevent skin changes such as lumps under the skin. The insulin 
  • may not work well if you inject into a lumpy area (See How to use Basaglar). Contact your doctor if you are currently injecting into a lumpy area before you start injecting into a different area. Your 
  • doctor may tell you to check your blood sugar more closely, and to adjust your insulin or your other 
  • antidiabetic medications dose.


  • Before travelling consult your doctor. You may need to talk about:
  • the availability of your insulin in the country you are visiting,
  • supplies of insulin etc.
  • correct storage of your insulin while travelling,
  • timing of meals and insulin administration while travelling,
  • the possible effects of changing to different time zones,
  • possible new health risks in the countries to be visited,
  • what you should do in emergency situations when you feel unwell or become ill.

Illnesses and injuries

  • In the following situations, the management of your diabetes may require a lot of care (for example, 
  • adjustment to insulin dose, blood and urine tests):
  • If you are ill or have a major injury then your blood sugar level may increase (hyperglycemia).
  • If you are not eating enough your blood sugar level may become too low (hypoglycemia).
  • In most cases you will need a doctor. Make sure that you contact a doctor early.
  • If you have type 1 diabetes (insulin dependent diabetes mellitus), do not stop your insulin and continue 
  • to get enough carbohydrates. Always tell people who are caring for you or treating you that you 
  • require insulin.
  • Insulin treatment can cause the body to produce antibodies to insulin (substances that act against 
  • insulin). However, only very rarely, this will require a change to your insulin dose.
  • Some patients with longstanding type 2 diabetes mellitus and heart disease or previous stroke who 
  • were treated with pioglitazone and insulin experienced the development of heart failure. Inform your 
  • doctor as soon as possible if you experience signs of heart failure such as unusual shortness of breath 
  • or rapid increase in weight or localized swelling (oedema).



  • The active substance is insulin glargine. Each milliliter of the solution contains 100 units of the 
  • active substance insulin glargine (equivalent to 3.64 mg).
  • The other ingredients are: zinc oxide, metacresol, glycerol, sodium hydroxide (see section 2
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